Selected Other Publications

  1.  (2016), ‘How English domiciled graduate earnings vary with gender, institution attended, subject and socio-economic background’, IFS Working Paper W16/06 (with Jack Britton, Neil Shepherd and Anna Vignoles).
  2. (2015), ‘The 16-19 Bursary Evaluation’, Department for Education RR414, 16th June 2015, (with Jack Britton).
  3. (2015), ‘Analysis of the higher education funding reforms announced in the Summer Budget 2015’, Institute for Fiscal Studies BN174, July (with Claire Crawford and Jack Britton).
  4. (2015), ‘Labour’s Higher Education Funding Plans’, Institute for Fiscal Studies BN164, February, (with Jack Britton, Claire Crawford and Rowena Crawford).
  5. (2014), ‘The government’s new postgraduate loan scheme: will the RAB charge really be zero’, Institute for Fiscal Studies Observation, December (with Jack Britton and Claire Crawford).
  6. (2014), ‘The economic effects of pre-school education and quality’, Institute for Fiscal Studies RR99, November (with Sarah Cattan and Claire Crawford).
  7. (2013), ‘Identifying the drivers of month of birth differences in educational attainment’, IFS Working Papers W13/09, (with Claire Crawford and Ellen Greaves)
  8. (2013), ‘The drivers of month of birth differences in children’s cognitive and non-cognitive skills: a regression discontinuity analysis’. IFS Working Papers W13/08, (with Claire Crawford and Ellen Greaves)
  9.  (2013), ‘The impact of age within academic year on adult outcomes’, IFS Working Papers W13/07 (with Claire Crawford and Ellen Greaves)
  10. (2011),  ‘The Impact of Tuition Fees and Support on University’,  IFS Working Papers , W11/17 (with , Emla Fitzsimons and Gill Wyness).
  11. (2010), ‘Higher education reforms: progressive but complicated with an unwelcome incentive’,  IFS Briefing Notes, BN113 (with Haroon Chowdry and Gill Wyness).
  12. (2010),  ‘Government proposals for higher education would squeeze high earners less and cost the taxpayer more,  IFS Observation,  (with Haroon Chowdry and Gill Wyness).
  13. (2010), ‘A progressive graduate tax after all?’,  IFS Observations, (with Haroon Chowdry).
  14. (2010), Richard Blundell, Lorraine Dearden and Luke Sibieta, September 2010,  The demand for private schooling in England: the impact of price and quality,  IFS Working Papers , W10/21
  15. (2010), Haroon Chowdry, Lorraine Dearden and Gill Wyness, July 2010,  Graduate tax: remedy, reform or rebrand?,  Observations
  16. (2010), Claire Crawford, Lorraine Dearden and Costas Meghir, May 2010,  When you are born matters: the impact of date of birth on educational outcomes in England,  IFS Working Papers , W10/06 (revise and resubmit Economic Journal)
  17. (2010), Haroon Chowdry, Claire Crawford, Lorraine Dearden, Alissa Goodman and Anna Vignoles, May 2010,  Widening participation in higher education: analysis using linked administrative data ,  IFS Working Papers , W10/04.
  18. (2010), Lorraine Dearden, Alissa Goodman, Greg Kaplan and Gill Wyness, April 2010,  Future arrangements for funding higher education,  IFS Commentaries , C115
  19. (2009), Claire Crawford, Lorraine Dearden, Alice Mesnard, Jonathan Shaw and Barbara Sianesi, January 2009,  Ethnic parity in labour market outcomes for benefit claimants,  IFS Working Papers , W09/04
  20. (2008), Haroon Chowdry, Claire Crawford, Lorraine Dearden, Alissa Goodman and Anna Vignoles, June 2008,  Widening Participation in Higher Education: analysis using linked administrative data,  IFS Reports , R69 , 978-1-903274-55-2
  21. (2008), Haroon Chowdry, Lorraine Dearden and Carl Emmerson, February 2008,  Education Maintenance Allowance evaluation with administrative data,  External publications , Learning and Skills Council National Office.
  22. (2007) Lorraine Dearden, Jonathan Shaw and Luke Sibieta, March 2007,  National evaluation of the neighbourhood nurseries initiative: impact report,  External publications
  23. (2005), Higher education funding policy: a guide to the debate (with Emla Fitzsimons and Alissa Goodman), May 2005, 34 pp., BN67.
  24. Helping families: childcare, early education and the work-life balance (with Mike Brewer and Claire Crawford), April 2005, 32 pp., BN61.
  25. “The impact of training on productivity and wages: evidence from British panel data”, (2005),  IFS Working Papers, W05/16, August (with Howard Reed and John Van Reenen).
  26. “Education subsidies and school drop-out rates”, (2005), IFS Working Papers, W05/11, June (with Carl Emmerson, Chris Frayne and Costas Meghir).
  27. The role of credit constraints in educational choices: evidence from the NCDS and BCS70” , December 2004, CEE Discussion Paper No. 48 (with Leslie McGranahan and Barbara Sianesi).
  28. Returns to education for the ‘marginal learner’ evidence from the BCS70”, December 2004, CEE Discussion Paper No. 45 (with Leslie McGranahan and Barbara Sianesi).
  29. An in-depth analysis of the returns to National Vocational Qualifications obtained at Level 2”,  December 2004, CEE Discussion Paper No. 46, (with Leslie McGranahan and Barbara Sianesi).
  30. “Tuition fees: a big gamble for a relatively small return?”, Evening Standard, 4th December 2003, (with Emla Fitzsimons and Alissa Goodman),
  31. “Education Maintenance Allowance: Third Year Quantitative Evaluation” Department for Education and Skills December (2003) (IFS with CRSP).
  32. “Wraparound Care Evaluation”, Final Report for the Department for Education and Skills, March 2004 (with University of Oxford and National Centre for Social Research).
  33. “Wraparound Care Pilots: The creation of an Evaluation Framework”, Report for the Department for Education and Skills, December 2001 (with Teresa Smith, Caroline Lee and Kathy Sylva),
  34. “Education Maintenance Allowances: The Second Year”, for DfES, December 2002 (CRSP, IFS)
  35. “Education Maintenance Allowances: The First Year”, Report for DfES,  May 2001 (CRSP, IFS).
  36. “Qualifications and Earnings in Britain: How reliable are conventional OLS estimates of the returns to education”, IFS Working Paper No. 99/7.
  37. “Ability, Families, Education and Earnings in Britain”, IFS Working paper no. W98/14.
  38. “The effect of school quality on educational attainment and wages”, Institute for Fiscal Studies W98/3 (with J. Ferri and C. Meghir).
  39. “Union Wage Differentials for Manual Workers in Australia”, 1994, Working Paper No. 257, Working Papers in Economics and Econometrics, The Australian National University, January 1994, (with P. Apps, G. Jones, and E. Savage)
  40. Occupational Change 1971-1986, 1993, Economic and Policy Analysis Division Discussion Paper 1/93, Canberra, (with P. Aungles, T. Karmel and C. Ryan)
  41. “Occupational Change 1971-1986: A Lego Theoretic Approach to Occupational Projections”, 1990, Economic and Policy Analysis Division, Department of Employment, Education and Training, August 1990, (with P. Aungles, T. Karmel and C. Ryan).