Selected Keynote Presentations

  1. Centre for Global Higher Education Annual Conference, March 1 2017. Talk title: “Creating competition in higher education: economic myths and realities”.
  2. Ochanomizu University and Research School of Economics & Australia-Japan Research Centre, ANU conference on “Financing Japan’s higher education: A new direction” on 23 February 2017. Talk title: “Modelling the Implications of Student Loan Design: Empirical Strategies for Japan”.
  3. Higher Education Economics and Finance Conference, Tongji University, Shanghai, China 20-21 October 2016, Talk title: “Getting Student Financing Right in the USA: Lessons from Australia and England”
  4. Education Policy Initiative, University of Michigan Conference on “Restructuring student loans: Lessons from abroad”, Washington DC, Monday 13th June 2016. Talk title: “HE Finance: Lessons from the UK”.
  5. Institute of Economics Barcelona (IEB), IV Workshop in the Economics of Education: Higher Education Financing Policy: Schemes and Effects. Barcelona, September 16-17, 2013. Keynote Talk: “Higher education funding: Lessons from the UK”
  6. Australian Economists Conference, Adelaide, September 2009, “Administrative Data and Policy Analysis”.