
  1. (2017), Family Background and University Success: Differences in Higher Education and Access and Outcomes in England, Oxford University Press, (with Claire Crawford, John Mickelwright and Anna Vignoles)
  2. (2007), When you are born matters: the impact of date of birth on child cognitive outcomes in England, (2007), Institute for Fiscal Studies, October (with Claire Crawford and Costas Meghir).
  3. (2005), Higher Education funding policy: who wins and who loses?, 2005, Institute for Fiscal Studies, London (with Emla Fitzsimons, Alissa Goodman and Greg Kaplan).
  4. (2004), An analysis of the higher education reforms, 2004, Institute for Fiscal Studies, January (with Emla Fitzsimons and Alissa Goodman).
  5. (1997), Higher Education, Employment and Earnings in Britain, 1997, Institute for Fiscal Studies, London, May, (with R. Blundell, A, Goodman and H. Reed).
  6. (1997), Labour Turnover and Work-related Training, 1997, Institute for Fiscal Studies, London, May (with S. Machin, H. Reed and D. Wilkinson).
  7. (1996), The Determinants and Effects of Work-Related Training in Britain, 1996, Institute for Fiscal Studies, London, (with R. Blundell and C. Meghir).
  8. (1994), Intra-occupational Wage Differentials in Australia, 1994, Industrial Relations Research Series Number 17, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, (with P. Apps and J. Buchanan)
  9. (1991), Australia’s Workforce in the Year 2001, 1991, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, (with L. Andrews, P. Aungles, T. Karmel, and C. Ryan).